
22. októbra 2020.

Comparative report: Evaluation of Anti-discrimination Interventions Targeting the Links between Political Discourse, Antigypsyism and Collective Action

Comparative report based on the focus group results from five countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, France, Ireland) prepared by our partners from the University of Limerick. The report illustrates how psychological and social sciences could benefit the design and implementation of interventions, and how focusing on evidence-based knowledge, we can improve the design and implementation of interventions to tackle Antigypsyism in Europe.

Executive summary

  • Creating solidarity between Roma/Traveller groups and non-Roma/Traveller groups is a long-term process, that requires awareness of existing prejudice and power dynamics.
  • Building trust with and between communities, and crucially, involving Roma and Traveller communities in all phases of intervention are key ingredients for successful interventions.
  • Targeting the emotional aspects of prejudice, and dealing with the stigma as well as recent experiences of societal intergroup interactions and stereotypes require skilled staff, community development.
  • Lack of funders’ awareness of the deeply entrenched historically bound Antigypsyism that creates challenges requiring extra time, extra effort and extra expertise to address.
  • Funding should be invested in intercultural competence training, in reducing the staff-turn-over in community organisations (caused by short term, ad-hoc, not-sustained projects), in increasing the dialogue and necessary exchange between social psychological scientists and community organizations.
  • The element of evaluating and monitoring intervention success is sorely missing, because of lack of funding and lack of expertise due to the divide between academic and non-academic actors.
  • Sustainability of any positive effects of interventions was linked to the lack of continuity of interventions at both local/community as well as national level.

Read the full report here. 


Súvisiace príspevky

03. januára 2022.

Jó gyakorlati példák elemzése, amelyek a magyarországi romák és nem romák társadalmi változásáért való mozgósítást, a cigányellenességet és a csoportközi kapcsolatokat célozza/Analysis of best practices from Hungary

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03. januára 2022.

Analýza príkladov dobrej praxe: zmierňovanie protirómskeho rasizmu a mobilizácia Rómov a Nerómov pre sociálnu zmenu prostredníctvom intervencií založených na medziskupinovom kontakte

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21. decembra 2020.

Note d’orientation stratégique

Policy reports


Projekt “Identifikácia metód založených na dôkazoch, ktoré umožnia efektívne bojovať proti diskriminácii Rómov v meniacej sa politickej klíme v Európe” je financovaný Justice Programme of the European Union (2014-2022) pod číslom grantu 808062-PolRom-REC-AG-2017/REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017.

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