Join us on the occasion of 50th Anniversary of the first Roma Congress for the closing event of the PolRom project: Identifying evidence-based methods to effectively combat discrimination of the Roma in the changing political climate of Europe!
Anna Donáth – Member of the European Parliament, host of the event
Romeo Franz – Member of the European Parliament, Co-President of the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI)
Danut Dumitru – Former Advocacy Director, Country Facilitator, Roma Education Fund, Romania
Zuzana Havírová – Roma Advocacy and Research Center, Slovakia
Moderator: Marietta Herfort – Managing director Phiren Amenca
Kinga Göncz – Former Member of the European Parliament, Former Minister for Equality
Marcela Adamova – DG JUST, European Commission
Bernard Rorke – Advocacy and Policy Manager, European Roma Rights Centre
Moderator: Lucia Hargašová – Researcher, Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Anna Donáth – Member of the European Parliament, host of the event
You can RSVP to the event on Facebook or download the pdf version of the program.
Le projet «Identifier des méthodes fondées sur des preuves pour lutter efficacement contre la discrimination des Roms dans le climat politique changeant de l'Europe» (subvention n ° 808062 - PolRom - REC-AG-2017 / REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017) est financé par le programme Justice de l'Union européenne (2014-2020).