ENGAGE Sounding board meeting

In the ENGAGE project, social psychologists, sociologists and social intervention professionals from three European countries (Hungary, Slovakia and Spain), meet with the objective and commitment to successfully deal with anti-Gypsyism, as well as understand and promote the factors involved in raising awareness and mobilization of Roma people and non-Roma as allies for the achievement of a more egalitarian social change.

10:00 CET


10.00-10.10 Introduction of the Sounding Board (Anna Kende, ELTE)

10.10-10.25 Best practices in Hungary, Spain and Slovakia (Ana Urbiola, University of Almería)

10.25-10.35 Evaluation of best practices by Roma activists (Lucia Hargašová, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

10.35-10.45 Comments by Marietta Herfort (Phiren Amenca – TBC)

10.45-10.55 Comments by Anca Minescu (University of Limerick)

10.55-11.15 Q&A

11.15-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.50 Open discussion with members of the Sounding Board

Moderator: Barbara Lášticová (Slovak Academy of Sciences)


  • Anna Donáth (Member of the European Parliament – TBC)
  • Dávid Kardos (Assistant to Anna Donáth, European Parliament)
  • Bernard Rorke (European Roma Rights Center)
  • Tibor Škrabský (Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak government for the Roma Communities)
  • Barbora Mistríková (NGO Divé Maky)
  • Sara López Olvera (Roma Activist)

12.50-13.00 Closing remarks (Anna Kende, ELTE)


Please fill out the registration form until 8 pm on 27th of January to indicate your participation on the event.

Read the summary of the best practice analysis results here.

Download the program in pdf here.


The projects PolRom (Grant No. 808062 — PolRom — REC-AG-2017/REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017) and ENGAGE (Grant no. 963122 — ENGAGE — REC-AG-2020 / REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2020) are funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union.

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