
01. July 2020.

Country report: Evaluation of Anti-discrimination Interventions Targeting the Links between Political Discourse, Antigypsyism and Collective Action in Ireland

Report on evaluation of anti-discrimination interventions from Ireland prepared by our partners from the University of Limerick.

Executive summary

  • A review of prejudice reduction and anti-discrimination interventions addressing Travellers in Ireland was
    conducted in May-June 2019 resulting in a collection of 23 entries. The Classification Table designed to
    provide an overview of these interventions was analysed, concluding that interventions could be best
    described and clustered in 3 categories: Educational Interventions & General Diversity Training (category 1),
    Interactive, Experiential and Intergroup Interventions (category 2), and Public Showcasing Interventions
    (Category 3). The majority of the documented interventions in our research belonged to the first category.
  • In line with the objectives of the PolRom project looking into the impact of political discourse and normative
    predictors of antigypsism as well as the potential to engage in collective action in solidarity or against the
    Traveller community, we designed a protocol for follow-up focus group discussions with organizers and
    participants in various interventions. We were interested in the psychological processes that facilitate or
    hinder interpersonal and intergroup relationships during the interventions. A set of 7 topics was identified
    which highlighted several potential social psychological processes at work: identity, engagement, funders
    (political discourse), collective action, gender issues, normative context, emotions.
  • We conducted 3 focus groups with members from 2 organizations and researchers who worked in a
    community setting with Traveller and Settled people, in order to conduct a psychological evaluation of
    interventions. The thematic analysis of these discussions revealed 3 main themes: how group identities are
    defined and how the divisions within and between groups are formulated (theme 1), the lack of cohesion in
    approaching anti-Traveller racism and Traveller social inclusion (theme 2), and the possibility and need of
    creating political solidarity with the Traveller and other minority groups (theme 3). Participants discussed the
    barriers as well as opportunities in achieving systemic change in decreasing prejudice and discrimination and
    promoting social inclusion.
  • We conclude with recommendations addressed at funders and government organizations, at community
    organizations and at individuals working with anti-discrimination and social inclusion interventions at the

Read the full report here. 


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The projects PolRom (Grant No. 808062 — PolRom — REC-AG-2017/REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017) and ENGAGE (Grant no. 963122 — ENGAGE — REC-AG-2020 / REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2020) are funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union.

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